In this tutorial, we will understand the Django fields and field types.
The field defines in the is the column names of the mapped table. The field name should not be a python reserved keyword like save, delete, etc. Django provides various built-in field types, they are;
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Field Name | Description |
AutoField | It is an integer field that automatically increments |
BigAutoField | It is a 64-bit integer field. Similar to AutoField and guaranteed to fit numbers from 1 to 9223372036854775807 |
BigIntegerField | It is a 64-bit integer field. Similar to AutoField and guaranteed to fit numbers from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 |
BinaryField | A field to store data as binary(eg:128 bytes) |
BooleanField | This is a True or False field |
CharField | A field that stores text-based values |
DateField | A field that stores date values. In python, it is represented by a instance |
DateTimeField | It is used to store date and time, represented in Python by a datetime.datetime instance |
DecimalField | It is a fixed precision decimal number represented in Python by a Decimal instance. max_digits and decimal_places are 2 required arguments |
DurationField | A field for storing periods of time in HH: MM: SS format |
EmailField | It is a character field that stores values in an email format |
FileField | It is a file upload field |
FloatField | It is a floating point number in python represented by a float instance. It has no need of max_digits and decimal_places like DecimalField |
ImageField | ImageField is a FileFiled with uploads restricted to image formats only |
IntegerField | It is an integer field value from -2147483648 to 2147483648 |
GenericIPAddressField | Stores IPV4 and IPV6 addresses in string format (eg:” “) |
JsonField | A field of storing JSON encoded data. In Python data is represented in Python native format: dictionaries, lists, strings, numbers, boolean, and None |
PositiveIntegerField | Like an integer field, the value must be either positive or zero and in between(0 to 2147483647). |
PositiveSmallIntegerField | It is an integer field like a PositiveIntegerField, with values accept from zero to 32767 |
PositiveBigIntegerField | Like a PositiveIntegerField, but only values from 0 to 9223372036854775807 |
SlugField | A slug is a short label for something, containing only letters, numbers, underscore, or hyphens and they are actually used in URLs. |
SmallAutoField | Like an AutoField. Values from 1 to 32767 |
SmallIntegerField | Like an IntegerField. Values from -32768 to 32768 |
TextField | A large text field. The default form widget is textarea |
TimeField | Store time in the HH: MM: SS format, represented in Python by a datetime.time instance. |
URLField | URL field is a char field for storing URLs. It generally stores webpage links or any other URLs. |
UUIDField | A field of storing universally unique identifiers. Which is a good alternative for AutoField and primary_key |
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Relationship Fields
Fields | Description |
ForeignKey | Many-to-one relationship. Requires two positional arguments: One is the class to which the model is related, and the second one is on_delete |
ManyToManyRelationship | Many to many relationships. . Requires a positional argument: One is the class to which the model is related. |
OneToOneField | Which is similar to ForeignKey with unique=True |
To know more about Django model field types please go through the official documentation