
What is Django and Why Django? An Introduction to Django

D j a n g o is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open-source(official doc).


Django is one of the most powerful Python web development frameworks today. The framework is nothing but which is a set of components that helps you to build a website easier and faster. If you are building a website definitely you need a similar set of components like authentication modules, forms, administration panels for your website, etc. Luckily most of the module for building a new website is available in Django as ready-made components. It is being used by a lot of companies including, Instagram, Pinterest, Spotify, Bitbucket, Disqus, Dropbox, Mozilla, Reddit, etc.

Why we choose Django?

Today most companies choose the Django framework to develop websites, ERP’s, E-commerce systems there’s is nothing you can’t do using Django. So here we list some of the core features of Django.

  • Python web framework
  • Community
  • Documentation
  • Powerful ORM
  • Security
  • Built in admin panel
Django features

Python web framework

Python is also one of the top reasons people started learning Django. Python is currently the most popular language in the market because it is the easiest learning programming language out there. To know more about python please go through The powerful python. These features allow python and thus Django to be the most powerful and yet easy to learn framework than others.

Community support

Django has been in the market for the last 15 years. This means it has been used by millions of users and improved by thousands of developers. As an open-source web framework for python Django helps developers to reduce the web application development cost significantly. The members of the Django community update new plug-ins and code snippets to simplify the web application development. And also they support the developers to resolve the common development issues and problems.


Effective documentation of technology is also one of the categories to grade a technology. In the case of Django, it has well-structured documentation from the beginning also. If we compare the documentation with other open source technology Django will offer the best in the market. Better documentation of a technology act as a very well-established library for any developer.

Powerful ORM

Django offers fully functionally ORM(Object Relational Mapping), compactable with a number of databases like SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. ORM library that helps the developers to interact with the databases directly without any confusion and allows them to transfer data automatically from the databases to the objects. If it is not possible or ORM does not address the use case you will have to write the raw queries. But don’t worry this is not the case with Django. It has well-built ORM methods and it handles the database queries very well.


Django is super secure. To prove the features you can always take examples of lots of websites which are worldwide and possess huge traffic. Security is one of the most looking features of any technology and is extremely important in web applications. One of the main examples of how Django treats security is to take a look into the user authentication module. Here user authentication systems provide secure ways to manage user accounts and password.

Built in admin panel

One of the highlighted features of Django is the built-in admin panel. Usually, clients are not technical or have time to get their hands dirty with the code. So from the admin panel, they can easily manage their data and the basic CRUD operations.

At the end

Congratulations, Now you should get some of the core features of Django but there are still more. This tutorial must have given you deep insight as to why Django is popular and will gain more popularity in the near future. Now we can conclude that Django is a powerful framework with many unique features.

They are; Python web framework, Community, Documentation, Powerful ORM, Security, Built-in admin panel, and many more to make learning easier.

So Why you are waiting for? Get ready to become a web developer of the future. If you have any feedback or queries regarding the Django features tutorial you can simply note it down in the comment section.

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