Sarath Chandran

Software Developer

Microservices vs Monolith: which is the best choice?

In software engineering, Both MONOLITH & M I C R O-service are two types of application architecture used to define the software programs. Coming to Monolithic- which is a traditional unified model to design a software program that aggregates every module into a single platform. On the other hand, Microservice is an application architecture that

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Python, Some PYTHON benefits.

Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively(Official doc). Which is a general-purpose programming language, so it can be used for many things. Python is used for web development, AI, machine learning, operating systems, mobile application development, and video games. Python is a widely used, interpreted, object-oriented, and

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Benefits of Flutter – Key Benefits of Flutter

Without any deep comparison with other mobile development platforms, here I list some key benefits of flutter as follows . 1.    Open-source Both Flutter and DART is open – source project, with contributions from Google, other companies, and individuals. So it is free to use and provides extensive documentation and community support. 2.    Fast &

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What is & Why Flutter, Some interesting facts about Flutter

What is Flutter ? Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful , natively compiled applications for mobile , web , and desktop from a single codebase. What’s more about Flutter? Flutter is an open-source UI kit developed by Google. It is a framework and SDK for crafting beautiful and fast experiences frontend for mobile,

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