
Python List Comprehension

Using List comprehension we can create a new list from an existing list. Some key elements of Python list comprehension are listed below. Syntax: new_list = [ expression(element) for element in old_list if condition ] Example: vehicle = [“bike”, “car”, “bus”] newlist = [ ] for i in vehicle: if “b” in i: newlist.append(i) print(newlist)

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Golang or Python, Which one should a web developer choose?

Which language is far better Golang or Python? This is a tremendous question for today. Because choosing a language will be a substantial decision for any software development. When we start a project definitely we will discuss the requirements for the project and the development stack also. And there are popular options are available such

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Python-Django interview questions 2022(Part2), Level-Intermediate

Here we list some of the most asked Python-Django Interview questions, now let’s start. 1. What is a serializer in Django? 2. Model serializer Django? 3. Django Caching? 4. Django Signals? 5. Django Channels? 6. Static method in Django? 7. Middleware in Django? 8. What are Mixins in Django? 9. Django generator? 10. WSGI vs

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Python List/Array Methods

Python List/Array Methods: A list is one of the 4 built-in datatypes in python which is a mutable, changeable, or ordered sequence of elements. Elements in the list have been enclosed with [] square brackets and used to store different collections of data with different types. In Python, there will be a set of built-in

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Python Django Top 25 interview questions 2022(Part1, Level-beginner)

Here is the second part of the Python Django interview questions, now lets start 1. What is the difference between lists and tuples in Python? Some common features List Tuple 2. Python is an interpreted language? Yes, Python is an interpreted language. 3. What are Python namespaces? A namespace is a collection of names. 4.

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Python, Some PYTHON benefits.

Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively(Official doc). Which is a general-purpose programming language, so it can be used for many things. Python is used for web development, AI, machine learning, operating systems, mobile application development, and video games. Python is a widely used, interpreted, object-oriented, and

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