Python, Django

How to install Django web framework on Debian Linux

D j a n g o is a popular python web framework for developing dynamic website and application. By using Django you can easily create web applications. To know more about Django please go through What is Django and Why Django? An Introduction to Django Now this document help you through installing Django.

There are different ways to install Django

  • Global install from package
  • Install with pip in a virtual environment
  • Install with git

Here we install Django using the pip. After the installation you can create your own project. Now lets start.

Install Python

Django is a Python web framework, thus requiring Python to be installed on your machine. To install Python on your machine please go through  download Python. Now we can install Python through command prompt. If you have launched a new server, then we recommend to update the server with below command

sudo apt-get update

Django software foundation is recommended to user Python3 , so once everything is updated we can install Python3 by using the following command.

sudo apt-get install python3

To check the successful installation of python3 run th e version check command

python3 -V


Python 3.6.9

Next, install the pip from the Ubuntu repositories using the following command

sudo apt install python3-pip

Once the successful installation of pip you can use it to install the venv package

sudo apt install python3-venv

When ever you start a new project, you can create a new virtual environment for it. Execute the following command to create virtual environment

python3 -m venv env1

Here env1 consider as your virtual environment, but you should name it something meaningful always. Now a directory named env1 will be created on your machine where ever your location you execute the above command. After the virtual environment is created you can activate it by using the following command.

source env1/bin/activate

Now your prompt will be updated something like this


After creating virtual environment you can install Django using pip

pip install django

You can verify the installation by using the following command

django-admin --version


Note: Your version may be differ from the version shown here.

At the end

Now you have the latest version of Django in your virtual environment, providing the main tools you need to create powerful web applications. If you have any feedback or queries regarding the Django installation tutorial you can simply note it down in the comment section.

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