Go vs Python

Golang or Python, Which one should a web developer choose?

Which language is far better Golang or Python? This is a tremendous question for today. Because choosing a language will be a substantial decision for any software development. When we start a project definitely we will discuss the requirements for the project and the development stack also. And there are popular options are available such as Php, Java, C++, JavaScript, Golang, and Python. In most cases, Python and Go will shortlist for the final lap.


The Go programming language is an open-source project to make programmers more productive. Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs that get the most out of multi-core and networked machines, while its novel type system enables flexible and modular program construction. Go compiles quickly to machine code yet has the convenience of garbage collection and the power of run-time reflection. It’s a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically typed, interpreted language. (Official documentation)

Go is a statically typed compiled programming language created at google in 2007 by Rob pike, Robert Griesemer, and Ken Thompson, and since then engineering teams across google adopted Go to build products and services on a massive scale. Which is formerly written in C but is now written in going itself. Golang is an alternative to C++ and Java for app developers which helps to improve the speed of programming for large and scalable software systems and network servers. Simply It was created to offer Google the following,

  • Faster compiling and execution
  • Eliminating the need for multiple languages for one project
  • Improving the code readability and documentation
  • Provide a high level of code consistency
  • Easier maintenance while allowing development with multiple languages

Now some renowned companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, and BBC are already adopting Golang.

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Python is a widely used, interpreted, object-oriented, and high-level programming language with dynamic semantics, used for general-purpose programming. It was created by Guido van Rossum and was first released on February 20, 1991. In the intervening years, Python has become a favorite of the tech industry, and it has been used in a wide variety of domains. Python is a relatively easy programming language to learn and follows an organized structure. This, combined with its versatility and simple syntax, makes it a fantastic programming language for all sorts of projects. To know more about python click here

Golang vs Python

Today there are ample programming languages are available to build websites. Python and Golang are top of them now. Then the question is which one should a programmer or web developer choose? We know that Golang is one of the recently developed languages of python. Then Go is more advanced? what makes Golang better for web development? Don’t worry we find the answers to all your doubts.

1. Scope:- Golang vs Python

Python is an advanced programming language that caters to a wide range of development chores. It is a structured programming language that is interpreted, object-oriented high-level programming language. Python helps design web applications, software desktops, desktop GUI’s, business applications, ERP, eCommerce systems, etc., and also uses in AI, and machine learning. Python offers a wide range of frameworks and libraries for web development. So virtual python has got great use and is worth learning. Then what Golang has to offer?

Golang is a general-purpose programming language often thought a competitor of python. Which is a statically typed compiled language with user-friendliness and ease to learn. Golang also offers web development, mobile applications, ERP systems, complex software development, etc. It is also used in the world of cloud services, networked systems, computation clusters, AI, Data analysis and machine learning is also appreciable.

When compared to the scope of Golang and Python, both are used in a wide range of areas. However, experts suggest python is more multipurpose than Golang now, because of its frameworks, libraries community support, etc.

2. Speed:- Golang vs Python

When coming to the performance or speed of execution Golang overrides Python. That does not mean Python is much slower to develop websites. When going through the multiple test cases we know that Golang runs up to 30 times faster than python. And just take a look at what StackOverflow users said.

Finally, Golang is good for delivering fast and frequent deployment of server-side scripts. If you need a program to load software quickly, Go is the way to Go. That means Golang is designed for people who want to build websites at a fast speed.

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3. Readability:- Golang vs Python

While working in a team code readability is one of the major factors to consider. In the case of Golang which has strict programming rules. It doesn’t support unnecessary variables or libraries being imported. This leads to defining a specific way to manage a task. On the other hand, Python has fantastic readability. Programmers can write a single code in different ways. Sometimes this makes confusion in a team whenever the code is big or the people working on the code are in large numbers.

4. Concurrency:- Golang vs Python

Concurrency is a program’s ability to run more than one task independently in overlapping periods. That means multiple tasks can run at the same time.

Python doesn’t have any built-in concurrency. On the other hand, Go/Golang does have concurrency support and the model is called Communicating Sequential Processes(CSP). This is yet another plus point of using Golang for efficient development. Golang provides goroutines to support concurrency in Go. This is nothing but which is a function that executes simultaneously with other goroutines in a program and are lightweight threads managed by Go. A goroutine takes about 2kB of stack space to initialize. In contrast, a standard thread can take up to 2MB. That means creating a thousand goroutines takes significantly fewer resources than a thousand threads. When you create a function as a goroutine, it has been treated as an independent unit of work that gets scheduled and then executed on an available logical processor.

Popular programming languages like Java and Python implement concurrency by using threads. Here we use goroutine and channels to handle this.

  • goroutines: – A goroutine is a function that runs independently of the function that started it. And sometimes Go developers a goroutine as a function that runs as if it were on its own thread.
  • channels: – A channel is a pipeline for sending and receiving data. Channel provides a way for one goroutine to send structured data to another.
Some Go benefits to concurrent programming
  • goroutines much more lightweight than threads
  • Go’s automatic garbage collection handles the complexity of memory management without the developer’s intervention
  • High-level support makes it not only simpler to achieve concurrency but also easier to maintain

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5. Applications :- Golang vs Python

In the case of application, we can’t take any one of them far better than the other. Because every programming language has its own purpose. For example, JavaScript is used for web development, and Python is widely used in the field of Data Analytics, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, etc.

On the other hand, Golang is mostly used for system programming. Due to its concurrency support and performance found a generous amount of use and support in the cloud computing and cluster computing field.

In-short comparison

Procedural programming languagePython is high-end programming language based on object-oriented programming
Does not have classes and objectsSupport classes and objects
Golang doesn’t support inheritanceIt supports inheritance
It is a statically typed languageDynamically typed language
Fully support concurrency Doesn’t have any built-in concurrency system
Golang is good for system programming Best for computing and data analysis
Exceptions are not supported by Golang – instead of exceptions, It has an errorPython support exceptions
Go is a compiled languagePython is an interpreted language
Smaller communityLarger community
More lines of codeLess number of lines of code
The syntax is based on opening and closing bracesThe syntax is based on indentation

At the end

So, what do you think now, which language is far better? Golang or Python? As you have read, both Golang and Python have their own pluses and minuses.

Golang is one of the fastest-growing programming languages today. If you are a beginner and plan to start a new journey with server-side applications, I suggest Golang. When we compare Python and Golang in the server-side aspect Golang has much more advantages than python. So that nowadays more people are switching to Golang for developing back-end technologies and also front-end. Because all companies always looking for better productivity and efficiency. On the other side if you wish to work with artificial intelligence, machine learning, or data analysis you should focus on Python, additionally, If you are considering some other aspects like community support, frameworks/libraries, etc you can also go with python. Because Python gives you more options than Golang to switch your career.

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